Expenditure/Encumbrance Tracking

Expenditure/Encumbrance Tracking

Once a Proj ID has been established, project expenditures can begin. Charging expenses to a sponsored project is initiated by the PIs or other person authorized by the PI to spend funds. Expenditures must be consistent with award requirements and purchasing procedures.

Equipment Purchases

Equipment Purchases

BSC must be notified prior to purchase of equipment on a Proj ID of $25,000 or greater. PPS is responsible for the bid process as required by federal and state purchasing guidelines.

Capital equipment is defined by the State of Texas as any single item costing $5,000 or greater. Multiple items of lesser value that are added to another piece of equipment are also considered capital equipment if the combined cost is over $5,000. The federal definition of capital equipment is an item costing $5,000 or more and with a useful life of more than one year. General purpose equipment and all items over $5,000 need to be specifically identified in the budget (general purpose items are things used for purposes other than scientific research). Equipment is typically not included in the modified total cost base thus indirect cost is not allowed.

The UNT Asset Management Office tracks and reports capital equipment purchases in accordance with state and federal guidelines and assists the PI with disposition of federally purchased and owned equipment in accordance with Uniform Guidance (2 CFR Part 200).

Personnel Expense

Personnel Expense

An electronic e-Par must be submitted to pay personnel from a Proj IDs. The e-Pars are typically submitted by the departmental administrator upon request from the PI. Typically, only positions listed in the sponsor approved budget can be paid from a Proj ID.

Sponsored projects should be charged with a portion of each employee’s salary equal to the effort devoted directly to that project. For faculty with nine-month appointments, one month of effort is one-ninth of the academic year salary. Sponsor funds may not be used to pay a PI above the full-time base salary. Fringe benefits are budgeted as an estimated percentage of salaries but are charged directly as an actual expense.

Summer Salary

Summer Salary

Most sponsors provide compensation for faculty with nine-month salary bases during the summer months at their regular monthly salary rate when included as part of the sponsor approved budget. Submission of a proposal that includes summer salary does not imply a University commitment to pay such salaries in the event the proposal is not awarded.



Per U.S Office of Management and Budget’s Uniform Guidance, 2 CFR 200.474(a), travel Costs for our Federal Awards are defined in the as “the expenses for transportation, lodging, subsistence, and related items incurred by employees who are in travel status on official business of the non-Federal entity.”

Uniform Guidance requires that we apply our policies and procedures consistently to both federally-funded and other activities of the university. As a result, travel requests and reimbursements for sponsored projects are processed in accordance with University travel procedures as defined in Travel Policy 10.049 and in the University of North Texas Travel Guidelines.

While federal and most non-federal sponsors require that travel be in accordance with the recipient (UNT) travel policies, it is important that you review the specific terms and conditions of your award and the corresponding sponsor guidelines to ensure that you are in compliance with their requirements. Certain awards may be more restrictive and may require specific sponsor prior approval, even when included in the proposal budget.           

When determining whether or not and travel charges are allowable, the University of North Texas considers the following factors:

  • The travel is necessary to fulfill the programmatic objective of the project and directly benefits the program being charged, and the cost of the travel is reasonable and allocable to the award.
  • There is a clearly defined relationship between the traveler and their involvement in scope of work being performed.  That relationship should be documented in the travel documentation.
  • Contributed paid or unpaid effort (normally cost sharing) to a project normally provides sufficient documentation of that relationship. 

Foreign Travel

Traveling abroad on federal awards must comply with the Fly America Act and the Open Skies Agreements. To assist in that process, please look at the procedures on the Grants and Contracts Administration website.



A consulting agreement is required in most cases and is always required by federal sponsors. Such services are approved on a case-by-case basis provided that the charges are reasonable, and a selection process has been employed to secure the most qualified individual available. Payment for consulting services may be charged to sponsored projects if allowed by the terms of the specific award and UNT policy. Payments can only be made for work completed and must be supported by a Consulting Agreement and by an invoice signed by the consultant for the work performed.

UNT employees should not be paid as a consultant. Special exception may be specifically authorized when the sponsor approves the payment, the employee is from a different department or involves a remote operation, and the work is performed in addition to regular duties.