2.2 Updating the SF424

Because certain information from the Funding Proposal maps to the linked 424 application, it is recommended to complete the funding proposal application first. Once proposal and budget information has been completed in the funding proposal, you are ready to update the 424 to take advantage of this feature. Even though it is recommended to complete the funding proposal first, do not route until the 424 application is ready for review.

From the funding proposal workspace, click the Create-Update SF424 activity.

In Create-Update SF424 window, select the SF424 forms you want to map data to from the Funding Proposal or Budget and Click OK.

Required forms will default to “checked.” Any optional forms can be checked as well. If this proposal includes a budget, either the R&R Budget or PHS 398 Modular Budget form for NIH submissions should be selected.

The status column will update as each form is generated. A success alert appears when the SF424 application has been generated and is ready for review. The window will automatically close once the process is complete; do not “x” out of the window prematurely.

The SF424 has been updated and the information from the Funding Proposal that can map to the 424 should have mapped successfully.

2.2.1 Updating the SF424 a Subsequent Time

The SF424 should be updated using the Create-Update SF424 activity when future changes are required to the SF424 based on information that came from the Funding Proposal or Budget SmartForm.

Changes to information that was NOT auto populated or mapped by the system may be made directly to the SF424, as there is nowhere to update this information on the Funding Proposal or Budget. Examples include the Research Strategy and other documents. The manual entry fields or documents will not be overwritten by running the CreateUpdate SF424 activity.

However, when SF424 updates are needed for information that was initially entered on the Funding Proposal or Budget SmartForms, then the information should be updated on the Funding Proposal SmartForm first, and then the Create-Update SF424 activity should be run. It is important to note that any change you made to any field on the SF424 which was mapped from the Funding Proposal SmartForms or Budget will be overridden when you execute the Create-Update SF424 activity unless you uncheck that form in the Create-Update SF424 activity. For example, if you updated the person months in the RR budget to show a breakout of academic and summer versus the default, calendar, this will be overridden if running the Create-Update SF424 feature.

It is very important to follow this process for a few reasons:

  • We want the funding proposal/budget and SF424 information to match up exactly for review and reporting purposes. It is important to make sure the information is accurate and consistent.
  • If you update the SF424 directly instead of the proposal or budget and then re-run this activity later your changes will be overwritten unless you unselect that form for updating!

e.g., If I update my equipment budget from $50,000 to $30,000 directly on the SF424, but not on the budget, then when I run the Create-Update activity again for that form my budget will revert to $50,000.

The same steps are followed as above, but please note, you can select which forms you would like to update. You can unselect any which you would not like to update. You can also add additional forms if something was previously missed.

Note that to select all forms, select the checkbox next to “Action.” You can double click this checkbox to “unselect” all forms.

In the example below, the user is updating the subaward budget as well as the optional PHS 398 Request Form. *Please review the GRAMS Budget Guide for details of Importing Subawards into the SF424 proposal.

The status column will update as each form is processed and will show which forms were “skipped” because they were not selected. A success alert appears when the process is complete, and the window will automatically close; do not “x” out of the window before the process completes.

Once the updates have been made, return to the SF424 workspace to continue the review and completion of the application.