4. Validate for Submission and Submission Pre-Check

Once the application is ready for submission (all approvals have been obtained and your GCA Specialist has reviewed your proposal) you will validate the submission to confirm the application is ready for submission to Grants.Gov.

4.1 Validate for Submission

After the SF424 has been thoroughly reviewed and is considered complete, validate the submission from the SF424 workspace.

Validating the submission will cause the SF424 to be locked from future editing once any errors have been resolved. Do not validate the submission until your finalized documents have been uploaded. Validating the submission will cause the SF424 to be in “Valid for Submission” State.

On the SF424 workspace, click the Validate Submission Activity. This will run validation with built in sponsor rules (such as NIH) to ensure all required information appears for submission.

A new window will display an error or warning messages. Messages with a red circle icon indicate the issue must be resolved before submission. The yellow triangle icon indicates a warning message. Warnings should be reviewed prior to submission, but the application can be submitted with warnings.

Once all issues are resolved and only warnings that have been vetted to be okay, appear you can click Continue. If you have any questions about the errors or warnings that appear on this page, please cancel, and contact your GCA specialist. Please also notify them of warnings that appeared and that you are comfortable moving forward with as is. If there are no issues, you will automatically be brought to the Validate Submission page.

Note: In the above example, the correct forms have been verified that these were used so it is okay to move forward with submission.

Verify the correct required and optional forms are selected.

Note: you may select to convert attachments or allow special characters, if applicable. ONLY allow special characters if permissible via sponsor guidance.

Click OK. The process will run, and the window will close once its complete. The application will now be in “Valid for Submission State”.

The application is now in a view only status. The blue button reads “View Grant Application” instead of “Edit Grant Application.”

Notice that you may also reopen the application for editing using the “Reopen for Edit” activity on the left side of the page.

4.2 Submission Pre-Check

The submission pre-check activity is optional but can be run to ensure the SF424 data submitted is formatted correctly for electronic submission.

Click the Submission Pre-Check activity on the SF424 workspace.

A new window will open and provide a message letting you know if the xml generated is valid for submission.

Please notify your GCA Specialist you are ready for submission and that the proposal has been Validated for Submission.