2.2 Review the Funding Proposal SmartForms

Department Reviewers will review the Funding Proposal SmartForm. Note that reviewers cannot edit the SmartForm pages and have read-only view. From the Funding Proposal Workspace (image below), select on the Review Funding Proposal button to access the PI’s completed Funding Proposal.

To assist with the review, Department Reviewers can check off each section as they review it. This turns the section green and is a helpful tool for tracking progress of the review.

If the reviewer has questions or comments on the Funding Proposal SmartForm pages, they may add Reviewer Notes.

To add a Reviewer Note, select the conversation bubble next to a question and a pop-up bubble will appear. The type will automatically be Department Draft Change Request.

  • Add your comment.
  • Select if a response is required from the PI is required or not.
  • You should ONLY check Response Required when you will be sending the proposal back to the PI and require that they change or address the comment or question before proceeding. If “Response Required” is selected, the PI will not be able to submit the proposal back for department review until they have responded directly to this note.
  • You may attach relevant files if needed.
  • Click OK to add the Note.

Once added, the comment will appear below. Proposal PI or the Administrative Contact can respond to comments when the proposal is sent back for changes.

Checking off sections as they are reviewed and adding Reviewer Notes are not required steps of the review process but are a helpful way to track progress and communicate with the Principal Investigator. As you add reviewer notes to the Funding Proposal, you can track where notes are added by the highlighted conversation bubbles. A red dot above the conversation bubble indicates a Response is Required for that comment.

Once all sections have been reviewed, you can select Exit to exit out of the Funding Proposal and go back to the Funding Proposal workspace.

Note: The Reviewer Notes functionality is only available on the Funding Proposal SmartForm pages and is not on the budget pages or SF424 Application (if applicable). If you have changes or comments regarding the budget or SF424 Application, you will add them when executing the Request Changes activity (see section 2.6 of this guide).