Reporting a Concern


Contact Research Integrity and Compliance for assistance or additional information 940-565-4643 or

Research Participant

If you are participating in a research study, please directly contact the research team. If you have questions about research, need answers about your rights as a research participant, need to voice concerns or complaints, or cannot contact the research team, you may contact the IRB office at or by calling Research Integrity and Compliance at 940-565-4643.

Research Participant Rights

If you are approached and asked to participate in a research study located at the University of North Texas, or conducted by a researcher from the University of North Texas, you have the right to:

1. Learn what the research study is about

2. Understand what will be expected of you and how much time it will take

3. Learn about any benefits to you and what new things may be learned through your contribution

4. Receive a description of any risks you may experience from participating

5. Learn about alternatives to the research study that may be available

6. Understand what will happen if you have any problems related to your participation and how to contact the research team

7. Ask questions about the study and receive answers before and through your participation

8. End your study participation at any time without any penalty or adverse effect to you

10. Receive a copy of the consent document or information sheet