Phil Samson, a studio art student pursuing his Master of Fine Arts in the College of Visual Arts and Design, has poured over scientific research papers from scholars in UNT’s College of Science to shape sculptures inspired by plant science and gene modification. Samson’s readings of UNT plant research — such as that conducted by Kent Chapman, Richard Dixon and Jaime Barros-Rios in UNT’s BioDiscovery Institute — spurred striking fluorescent sculptures shaped from acrylic plastic, steel, resin and other materials. For instance, in Miracle Grow, Samson took inspiration from the model plants Brachypodium distachyon and Arabidopsis thaliana, which are used by UNT researchers in their studies. Some of his pieces are currently on loan in the BioDiscovery Institute, and his plant science-influenced sculptures will be displayed in the Eagle Exhibit Hall within the Environmental Education, Science and Technology building April 4-15.