Research News

Research News

UNT’s BioDiscovery Institute spotlights sustainable research in inaugural event

UNT’s BioDiscovery Institute spotlights sustainable research in inaugural event

BDI researchers shared their work in topics ranging from creating plant-based alternative fuels to finding better early diagnoses for Alzheimer’s disease.

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First FDA-approved Breathalyzer Test for COVID

First FDA-approved Breathalyzer Test for COVID

UNT receives first FDA approval on intellectual property for technology by chemistry professor Guido Verbeck.

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Army Representatives Recognize Importance of Emerging Technologies from UNT

Army Representatives Recognize Importance of Emerging Technologies from UNT

Representatives from the U.S. Army Reserve’s 75th Innovation Command, First Innovation Group recently visited UNT to recognize the importance of emerging technology from the university in supporting their mission to strengthen national defense.

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Studying Remote Learning during the Pandemic

Studying Remote Learning during the Pandemic

College of Education Assistant Professor Lauren Eutsler studies how teachers are handling the new world of education after a shift to remote instruction due to COVID-19 restrictions and offers suggestions for moving forward.

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Examining Food Insecurity Among Students

Examining Food Insecurity Among Students

Lisa Henry started researching campus food insecurity in 2014 and has since spoken to dozens of students on UNT’s campus, worked with the Dean of Students office to apply her research to help the UNT Food Pantry better serve students and considered how her research can help campuses across the country. She is now continuing her research with a focus on how COVID-19 has affected that experience.

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Studying Continuum of Care for Homeless People During COVID-19 Outbreak

Studying Continuum of Care for Homeless People During COVID-19 Outbreak

A researcher in the College of Health and Public Service is studying how the continuum of care for homeless people, which includes the social, medical, public health and education sectors, has changed during COVID-19.

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Offering ‘Best Practices’ for Work-life Balance During Pandemic

Offering ‘Best Practices’ for Work-life Balance During Pandemic

Recent research found that COVID-19 caused many full-time employed adults to struggle with work-life balance and work stress, according to assistant professor Hoda Vaziri, who teaches management in the G. Brint Ryan College of Business.

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Hurricane Evacuation Amid COVID-19

Hurricane Evacuation Amid COVID-19

Tristan Wu, associate professor of emergency management and disaster science, is researching hurricane evacuations during COVID-19 in a project funded by a National Science Foundation Rapid Grant.

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DIY 3D-printed Mask and Nose Plugs

DIY 3D-printed Mask and Nose Plugs

A mechanical engineering researcher and his students have developed open source codes for a new mask and nose plug that uses smart technology to respond to a wearer’s breathing.

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Hospital Acquired MRSA Infection Study

Hospital Acquired MRSA Infection Study

Professors from UNT and the UNT Health Science Center at Fort Worth recently published a study of more than 300 hospitals across the U.S. that showed patients were dramatically less likely to be infected with hospital-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in hospitals with more private patient rooms.

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Pandemic Pay Gender Gap Study

Pandemic Pay Gender Gap Study

A new study co-authored by UNT Sociology Assistant Professor Buddy Scarborough has found that the pandemic has affected mothers’ work lives significantly more than fathers’ work.

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UNT Seamless Service for Grant Applications

UNT Seamless Service for Grant Applications

UNT received three grants related to the CARES Act, two awards for $14.5 million each, one for student aid and the other for institutional support that is being used primarily to convert to online instruction, and an additional $2 million award because of UNT’s status as a Hispanic-Serving Institution.

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Study on Mental Health and Wellbeing of Collegiate Athletes During Pandemic

Study on Mental Health and Wellbeing of Collegiate Athletes During Pandemic

The UNT Center of Sport Psychology and Performance Excellence, in collaboration with Wayne State University, has released results in an ongoing study examining the overall health, performance and psychological wellbeing of collegiate athletes during the pandemic.

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Student Literacy Improvement from Technology

Student Literacy Improvement from Technology

Assistant professor Lauren Eutsler is dedicated to improving student literacy by examining how to more efficiently use continually changing technology in the classroom and at home.

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Providing COVID-19 Health Information to Minority Language Groups

Providing COVID-19 Health Information to Minority Language Groups

Researchers at UNT and Indiana University are partnering to communicate effectively about COVID-19 to one of the largest refugee groups in the U.S. — refugees of Myanmar, who are members of the Chin language community.

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Creating 3D-printed Ventilator Splitters for COVID-19 Patients

Creating 3D-printed Ventilator Splitters for COVID-19 Patients

In response to the possible need for more ventilators to treat critically ill COVID-19 patients, a team from UNT’s College of Engineering collaborated to adapt a design and manufacture ventilator splitters in the college’s digital manufacturing lab. The team used 3D printing technology to make the splitters, which will allow doctors to use a single ventilator to treat two patients.

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Supercomputer Simulations to Test Potential COVID-19 Drugs

Supercomputer Simulations to Test Potential COVID-19 Drugs

UNT professor and computational chemist G. Andrés Cisneros, along with his research group, are running computer simulations using four U.S. supercomputers, including the world’s most powerful, Summit, at the Oak Ridge National Lab in Tennessee, to investigate inhibitor mechanisms of existing drugs and provide insights that could serve to improve treatment options for COVID-19.

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Advanced 3D-printing Labs to Produce Face Shields

Advanced 3D-printing Labs to Produce Face Shields

UNT engineers and artists are working together to create face shields for faculty and students to use once laboratories on campus start to reopen.

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