University Research Day

Friday, October 4, 2024

Thank you so much for participating in our Second Annual University Research Day!

It was a great day of celebrating you and your research, and we enjoyed seeing all of you and your posters. As a reminder, the UNT Library has partnered with the Division of Research and Innovation to include posters from University Research Day in UNT Scholarly Works, our institutional repository. This will allow you to continue to share your work after UNT Research Day is over. This will also allow your posters to appear on Google and Google Scholar to help grow your impact!
If you are interested in this opportunity, please visit the UNT Research Scholarly Works Submission Site to learn more about how to submit your poster.
Please note: You are responsible for submitting your poster for this service.  Acceptance of your abstract for UNT’s University Research Day does not automatically submit your poster to UNT Scholarly Works. Please reach out to Whitney Johnson-Freeman, Repository Librarian, if you have any questions regarding this service.

Union 314
Emerald Ballroom
Friday, October 4,
9:00 a.m.
to 5:00 p.m.
Contact Us
Katie Herring