
The Division of Research & Innovation accepts nominations for the annual Research and Creativity Awards to recognize the accomplishments of faculty members for outstanding achievements in research, scholarship, and creative endeavors.  The Research Creativity Awards include: the Research Leadership Award, the Creative Impact Award, the Early Career Award for Research and Creativity, the Teacher Scholar Award, and the Decker Scholar Award.


Calls for nominations will be announced in Fall 2025.

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Restrictions, Eligibility, Selection Criteria

Open each award tab for a description of each of the nominated awards. Self-nominations will not be considered.

Research Leadership Award

The UNT Research Leadership Award will be given to a full‐time UNT faculty member whose research excellence and leadership at UNT has made substantial contribution to her/his discipline and achieved national/international recognition. Criteria for the award include:  

  • At least five (5) years at UNT.  
  • Full‐time tenured/tenure‐track faculty member in good standing at the time of the nomination.  
  • Has not won the UNT Research Leadership Award in the past three (3) years
  • Self‐nominations will not be considered. 
  • Complete curriculum vitae should include the following information:
    • List of the highest affiliations/awards in the discipline and with her/his professional societies/organizations.  
    • List of graduate students and postdocs mentored and their current positions.
    • Names of institutions of doctoral mentees who are now university faculty members, if any and current position
    • List up to five (5) publications considered seminal (include citation statistics for any of these that are journal articles).  
    • Generation of mentees into the discipline.  
    • Recognition by the faculty member's discipline and national/international achievements.  
  • Up to 1000 words describing the role and impact of the nominee's seminal work, in language understandable to persons outside the discipline.  

Nominations are currently closed.  Please check back in fall of 2025 for more information.

Past Winners

2025-Terry Pohlen, Logistics

2024-Andrey Voevodin, Materials Science and Engineering

2023- Warren Burggren, Biological Sciences

2022- Francis D'Souza, Chemistry

2021 - Wonbong Choi, Materials Science and Engineering

2020 - John Peters, English

2019 - No Nominees  

2018 - Jincheng Du, Materials Science and Engineering  

2017 - Marco Buongiorno Nardelli, Physics and Chemistry  

2016 - Ram Dantu, Computer Science and Engineering  

2015 - Armin Mikler, Computer Science and Engineering  

2014 - Jane B. Huffman, Teacher Education and Administration  

2013 - Thomas R. Cundari, Chemistry  

2012 - Nandika D'Souza, Mechanical & Energy Engineering/Materials Science & Engineering  

2011 - Angela K. Wilson, Chemistry  

2010 - Wes Borden, Chemistry 2 

2009 - Kent Chapman, Biological Sciences