Data Management Planning

Data Management Planning

Due to a directive issued by the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), directing Federal agencies with more than $100 million in research and development (R&D) expenditures to develop a plan to make the published results of federally funded research available to the pubic within one year of publication, UNT GCA has developed a Data Management Plan Procedure.  This directive also required researchers to better account for and manage the digital data resulting from federally funded scientific research. 

The full procedure and additional resources can be found in the PI Handbook here: PI Handbook- Data Management Plan but below is an abbreviated reference page. Information about additional resources is located here: UNT Libraries- Data Management Plan

The below pertains to all direct federal proposals and awards any other proposal submission that mentions data management, public access, or requires a data management plan per the RFP or sponsor’s website.

1. At Proposal Stage: 

  • A Data Management Plan is required prior to proposal submission, even if not specifically requested in the application. Resources are available from the UNT Libraries, if needed in preparation of the data management plan. The GCA Specialist will connect you, if needed. 

2. At Award Stage: 

  • A Persistent Grant Identifier in the UNT Digital Library and the Data Management Plan is required before GCA may complete the award setup and Proj ID initiation. GCA will connect the awarded PI with the UNT libraries for assistance in this process. 
  • A Data Management Plan reminder will be sent annually for data and publication updates. 
  • A Data Management Plan reminder will be sent when the award ends, 12 months, and 36 months after the award ends confirming that all data, publications, and permalinks have been submitted.