Equipment Purchases

Equipment Purchases

BSC must be notified prior to purchase of equipment on a Proj ID of $25,000 or greater. PPS is responsible for the bid process as required by federal and state purchasing guidelines.

Capital equipment is defined by the State of Texas as any single item costing $5,000 or greater. Multiple items of lesser value that are added to another piece of equipment are also considered capital equipment if the combined cost is over $5,000. The federal definition of capital equipment is an item costing $5,000 or more and with a useful life of more than one year. General purpose equipment and all items over $5,000 need to be specifically identified in the budget (general purpose items are things used for purposes other than scientific research). Equipment is typically not included in the modified total cost base thus indirect cost is not allowed.

The UNT Asset Management Office tracks and reports capital equipment purchases in accordance with state and federal guidelines and assists the PI with disposition of federally purchased and owned equipment in accordance with Uniform Guidance (2 CFR Part 200).