Salaries and Wages

Salaries and Wages

To determine total salaries and wages, list the percentage of effort to be spent by each faculty, staff, and students. Effort should be entered into GRAMS in-terms of an annualized percent effort

It is important to consider each individual’s commitments to all other sponsored projects. Some sponsors will review an individual’s total committed effort to both funded and pending project support.

Sponsored activities may not result in any employee receiving compensation in excess of their authorized salary. Faculty members are paid by state funds to perform research, instruction, and public service activities. Subsequently, state funds are provided to pay administrative support for these activities in the offices of the department chair and dean. The department chair or dean may choose to use indirect cost recovery funds to support additional administrative support. Compensation levels and new job classifications must conform to UNT Personnel Classification Guide. Include incremental increases for professional and nonprofessional personnel on proposals extending more than one year. If specific incremental increase figures are not available, estimate a 3% increase per year.