
NIH guidelines training 

Required for PIs performing recombinant DNA or synthetic nucleic acid work.  The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Office of Biotechnology Activities (OBA) developed the NIH "Guidelines for Research  Involving Recombinant or Synthetic Nucleic Acid Molecules" (NIH Guidelines) as a comprehensive set of regulations governing the use of recombinant or synthetic nucleic acid molecules. The NIH Guidelines training is provided to assist researchers in understanding and following UNT and NIH Guideline requirements.

Lab-specific training 

Lab-specific training is ongoing training provided by the principal investigator (PI) on the specific materials and procedures that are being utilized in the laboratory. The PI must provide the lab-specific training prior to allowing individuals to work with biohazardous materials and whenever policies or procedures change.  PIs should utilize the Lab-Specific Biosafety Training Form to document training. 

Biosafety training 

UNT biosafety training is a comprehensive training that fulfills the training requirement for work with infectious materials in laboratories, materials of human origin that fall under the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogen Standard, and NIH Guidelines training.  

General Biosafety

  • Biosafety Training
  • Bloodborne Pathogen Training
  • Autoclave Training
  • Lab Specific Training

CITI Training

For each IBC Protocol Registration, the Principal Investigator and every individual who will be taking part in study activities are required to complete training through CITI. Use the training table to identify relevant training to your protocol.
Investigators and participants must complete the CITI –

  • Initial Biosafety Training
  • Basic Introduction to Biosafety
  • Emergency and Incident Responses to Biohazard Spills and Releases
  • Personal Protective Equipment
  • NIH Recombinant DAN Guidelines (only those working with recombinant research materials)
  • Shipping and Transport of Regulated Biological Materials (if your lab plans to ship biological samples)
  • OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens (if working with Human and Non-human Primate research materials or samples that could transmit some zoonotic disease)

Investigators and participants must also complete courses that pertain to the protocols they will be participating in.  Use the Training determination table to decide which training will be relevant to your protocol/research.

IBC Committee Members are required to take the CITI  - Institutional Biosafety Committee Member Training, NIH Recombinant DNA Guidelines and the Select Agent. Biosecurity and Bioterrorism modules

To register:

  • Go to CITI Login
  • Click “Register”
  • Complete registration steps as directed, using The University of North Texas (Denton, TX) as your “Participating Institution”.  Please use your current UNT email address to ensure your training will populate within the GRAMS system.
  • Note that the RCR Basic course option does not need to be selected during registration unless required by your project funding agency.
  • Once you have finalized registration, the courses you selected should appear on your main menu.
  • You and IBC Administration Office will receive a completion certificate upon successful completion of all required modules.