Conference Sponsorship Request Guidelines

The Division of Research and Innovation (DRI) recognizes the importance of supporting scientific and scholarly activities through sponsorship of conferences and workshops. These events allow for the exchange of scholarly information as well as raise the profile of the university. The following guidelines establish a transparent, regular process for awarding support to UNT entities including academic and research units, officially sponsored student groups, and principal investigators seeking funds from the DRI. These funds are meant for conference sponsorship and not to support individual travel to conferences.


The DRI will contribute $15,000 per fiscal year toward conferences and workshops.


Applications will be accepted three times per year (Due Sept. 1, Jan. 1, and May 1) via the UNT Research InfoReady portal. 

Apply via the InfoReady link here.

Award Information:

Total funding available in each award period will be $5,000 total to be split among applicants. In the event an application is not funded during the award period, applicants may request to have the application reconsidered during the next funding period for that fiscal year. At the end of the fiscal year, any unfunded applications will be closed and will need to reapply in the new fiscal year. Applicants should plan their request well in advance of the event.


Applications should be no longer than two single spaced pages. The application should include:

(1) Names of the PI(s), Departments and Colleges involved.

(2) Title/name of the event.

(3) Description of the activity/outcomes, faculty/student engagement, and how the event will increase research activity or raise the research profile of UNT.

(4) Description of the budget and what the DRI funds will be spent on.

(5) Details of any cost-sharing with the department, college, or extramural sponsors/grants. Applications without cost-sharing are unlikely to be funded.

Applications will be reviewed based on these criteria. Awardees will be expected to provide a brief final report and engage with DRI communications staff to help recognize and promote the event’s successes.