What is ORCiD ID? 

ORCiD is a registry of unique identifiers foe researchers and scholars that is open, non-proprietary, transparent, mobile, and community based. It provides a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from every other contributor and supports automated linkages among all your professional activities. https://orcid.org/ 

Researchers are encouraged to obtain an ORCID ID. As federal agencies begin to standardize the disclosure process, this will help facilitate in maintaining information about your affiliations, grants, publications, peer review, and more. For instance, an ORCID will facilitate pre-population of your current and pending/other support and biosketch information using SciENcv for NSF and NIH. 

Why should you register? 

Your iD: 

  • Distinguishes you and ensures your research outputs and activities are correctly attributed to you 
  • Reliably and easily connects you with your contributions and affiliations 
  • Reduces form-filling (enter date once, re-use it often) 
  • Improves recognition and discoverability for you and your research outputs 
  • Is interoperable (works with many institutions, funders, and publishers) 
  • Is persistent (enduring) 
  • Is free!

Additional information regarding ORCID, including creating an account, can be found on the UNT Libraries website. 

NIH is requiring ORCID iDs for certain types of awards. Please see guidance here

You can link your SSO with UNT to your ORCiD by following the below steps: