5. Application Submission and Checking Submission Status

Once in a Valid for Submission State, the GCA Specialist will submit it to Grants.gov within GRAMS. This section outlines what the next steps are following validating the application for submission.

Once the SF424 is in a “Valid for Submission” state, the GCA Specialist will submit the application to Grants.gov.

They will update the funding proposal status to Final Review Status and the Funding Proposal will change to “Pending Submission to Sponsor” which locks the funding proposal from further edits. While in “Pending Submission to Sponsor” status, they will submit the application to Grants.Gov. The GCA Specialist will typically leave the proposal in “Final SPO Review” state until the S2S submission has been accepted and finalized (for instance in eRA Commons). After successful submission is confirmed, the funding proposal will be in “Pending Sponsor Review” State.

When the GCA submits to Grants.Gov, Grants.Gov receives the application and internally process it. It will either be Rejected with errors or be sent on to the federal sponsor. The application will follow the path below.

The statuses from Grants.gov are sent directly to UNT GCA. The Agency Tracking Number and Grant Tracking Number is transmitted as well.

To view this information, refer to the SF424 workspace or the Funding Proposal SF424 Summary tab.

These pages can be referenced to understand the progress of your application in submission to the sponsor.

Change/Correct or Other Errors:

If a proposal is Rejected with Errors from Grants.gov or you identify that changes are needed to the application after submission, work with your GCA to make the needed changes. Only the GCA can reopen the application, edit, and submit change/corrected applications.