7.4 Review Complete/Proposal Submission

After the assigned GCA Specialist has reviewed and approved the proposal, they will move the proposal to Final Review Status. This indicates the proposal is finalized and is queued to be submitted to the sponsor. The status of the Funding Proposal will change to “Pending Submission to Sponsor”.

After the proposal has been submitted, GCA will update the Funding Proposal to the “Pending Sponsor Review” status and the workflow chart will now be in the Sponsor Review bubble. Note: If the proposal is submitted directly by the PI (i.e.: sponsor portal website), be sure to forward the submission confirmation received to the GCA Specialist along with a copy of the submitted application. They will use this documentation to update the status to “Pending Sponsor Review”.

The PI and any Administrative Contact or Editor included in the Funding Proposal will receive an automated GRAMS notification email from DoNotReply-GRAMS-Grants@untsystem.edu when the proposal status is changed to “Pending Sponsor Review”.

The Funding Proposal will stay in this status until a funding determination is made by the sponsor.