2.9 What happens after the Proposal is approved by a Department Reviewer?

Once the proposal has been approved by the Department Reviewer, it no longer appears in the Reviewer’s “My Inbox” or “My Reviews” tab of their Dashboard. If the proposal needs to be reviewed later, it can be located on the Grants tab.

Once the Department Reviewer(s) have approved, the proposal will appear in the Specialist Review state, which means the GCA Specialist can begin reviewing the proposal. The Specialist Review workflow bubble is highlighted.

During the Specialist proposal review, the GCA Specialist may need to request changes or updates to the Funding Proposal. Sometimes GCA may require updates go through department review again and other times may not require the department reviewers review again. If GCA does need changes made and for the changes to be re-approved by the Department Reviewers, the GCA Specialist will request clarifications from the PI. Once the PI makes the needed changes to their Funding Proposal, the PI will be able to re-submit the Funding Proposal for Department Review and the process will proceed in the same fashion as before.

After GCA approves the proposal, it will be in “Final SPO Review” state. This means GCA is preparing to submit the proposal to the sponsor. Once the proposal has been submitted it will move to the “Pending Sponsor Review” state. The Funding Proposal will stay in this state until a funding determination is made by the sponsor.